Exercise ECG

EC Sense Exercise ECG can be bought as turnkey system, but also as an option to EC Sense Base. It is designed to be simple to use and produce high quality ECG readings.

EC Sense Option Exercise ECG summary

Easy to use

The menu is easy to understand, to get started with an examination simply choose a patient from a worklist (optional). The patient is safely monitored during the examination, and the entire examination is recorded for after-treatment and creating a final report. The user is led through the different phases of the examination, and can easily supplement examination data, event markers and printouts if necessary.

The system supports referrals with templates and notifications to the journal system.


  • All data is saved every 5th second, if anything goes wrong and the examination is aborted the data can be recreated
  • If the examination does not start properly you have the possibility to go back and start over
  • If the time at the end of the work phase is wrong the transition to the rest phase can be moved
  • EC Monitor, an option for remote monitoring, gives the opportunity to monitor examinations via network


The workflow for creating reports is logical and simple. Several different types of reports are available, and it is also possible to adapt the reports to suit your needs.

When the examination is done all of the data is saved to EC Store. The work can then be continued in EC View, a part of EC Store to edit and sign off of the examination. New and updated examinations can then be notified to journal systems.


  • Decapus III vacuum system
  • Other options
    • Automatic measurement of blood pressure
    • Integration with ergospirometer
    • Extended measurement (Caliper)
    • Late potentials
    • EC Monitor, real time monitoring via network during Exercise ECG

System requirements

  • Microsoft Windows XP® or later, .NET 4
  • 1.7 GHz processor
  • 8GB RAM
  • 1600×900 resolution
  • At least 2, preferable 4, USB ports

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