Utvecklare till Cardiolex

Tillsatt! Vill du arbeta med avancerade och samhällsviktiga lösningar för sjukvården i ett litet, agilt och självorganiserande team? Då har du hittat rätt – varmt välkommen till Cardiolex! Om oss [...]

Happy Holidays!

The team at Cardiolex wish you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the coming year 2023.We are grateful to what we have and want to help others by supporting the organization Giving People. The [...]

Cardiolex has acquired Amedtec

Cardiolex Medical AB (”Cardiolex”) has on Oct 31, 2019 acquired the company Amedtec Medizintechnik Aue GmbH in Germany (”Amedtec”). For Cardiolex, that has a leading position on the ECG market in [...]